
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

10 Things I Did Today

Note - this blog is automatically imported into facebook, but unfortunately it loses some formatting in the process. Click here to visit the real thing.

It's a constant struggle. Every day I arrive at the blog, sit down, clear my thoughts and automatically begin typing "today i...". This is, of course, how Luke starts every one of his excellent blog posts. His schtick has become so ingrained into me that that's automatically how I think about blogging. So, in an effort to get that out of my system, today I'll be "borrowing" Luke's format, with a couple caveats: 1) I'm a lot more long-winded than Luke, and 2) I'm much more liberal with my use of capitalization. Seriously, I'll capitalize things like words at the beginning of sentences, proper names... man, like pretty much everything.

1) 3:00AM: Today I came up with a song idea for the band I'm in (I'm Gonna Fight Chu). Our "thing" is playing humourous covers of ultra-pop songs by artists such as Britney Spears, Celine Dion and the Backstreet Boys. My idea is a little different in that it's a song by Radiohead, but it's similar to a lot of our material because the humour is based on the fact that it's played in a style vastly different from the original version. The idea: "Fitter Happier", sung in the style of "The Cat Came Back". (The Cat Came Back part of the idea isn't that important, it's just the first chord progression I came up with)

2) 6:00AM: Today I got <= 1 1/2 hours of sleep. I had run into Ben (my roommate) last night around 9, as I was on my way home and he was on his way to a nearby bar. I decided to join him since I needed some dinner anyway. After 2 pints, I knew that I'd be way too tired to finish the many homework items I hoped to get done, so when I got home I had a Red Bull that had been in our fridge for a few weeks because it wasn't sugar-free, meaning Ben didn't want to drink it, and I'm not a Red Bull drinker. It was a mistake.

3) 1:00PM: Today I had the 2nd interview for a math tutoring job. It wasn't my best interview, but according to a girl I know who works there, getting a 2nd interview basically seals the deal. We'll see.

4) 2:30PM: Today I got a free cab ride for 3 blocks because of basic human kindness, re-affirming my faith in humanity.

5) 3:30PM: Today I had one of the weirder conversations I've ever had. I wanted to play my new song idea for Poisonous Dart, another member of IGFY, so I told her to go on Skype. When she did, I heard a man's voice speaking in a formal tone, and thought she was watching TV. I was wrong; she was in class. So the conversation involved me talking and her responding via IM, which is bizarre enough, and even weirder when there's a lecture happening. So I played the song, which made her crack up, and, I think, get in trouble, because her last 4 messages were something like "oh man, he's looking right at me... i am so busted... gotta go... ttyl". 

6) 4:00PM: Today I hired a tall, handsome rebel to pursue the prude older sister of the girl I'm interested in, because her father won't let her date until her sister starts dating. It didn't work out; the tall, handsome rebel died.

7) 4:10PM: Today I decided that since I'm Gonna Fight Chu has a variable membership which seems to keep growing (we're up to 6 at least part-time members now, even though we only play at open mic nights), we should consider ourselves an "elastic band". Shortly after I thought of this brilliant pun, I realized that one of my favourite bands already came up with it (the Joshua Redman Elastic Band), and even though I've known about them for several years and I generally consider their album Momentum to be among my top 5 of all time, I never got the pun until now.

8) 4:13PM: Today I spent a few minutes waffling on whether to call this post "10 Things I Did Today" or "Ten Things I Did Today". I ultimately decided on "10" to make the reference to "10 Things I Hate About You" more obvious, and since the reference to Luke's blog is already obvious enough.

9) 4:17PM: Today I had another weird conversation, this one involving gchat. Ben had to hand in an assignment and forgot it at home, so he went on gchat and asked me to go to his computer and e-mail it to him. I did that, returned to my computer, then when he responded I heard the gchat noise coming from his room, so then I went to his computer and started conversing as him, to him.

10) 5:00PM: Today I had a 5 hour nap because of that stupid Red Bull. We'll see how much sleep I get tonight; the consequences of one little 250 mL can may prove to be much more far-reaching than I could possibly have imagined.


  1. Here's how it would look if I tried to combine fantasy baseball and onethingididtoday:

    today i decided that justin morneau's less valuable than lance berkman.

  2. 4) I was offered a free cab ride a couple of weeks ago. I didn't take it, because I was one block from my destination. What's the deal with the free cabs? Just being nice?

    6) Is it awesome or sad that I got the reference immediately?

    Also, I skated past your house today and thought fondly of The Fall. It was the highlight of an otherwise unpleasant skate through the blinding wind and snow.

  3. I think it was actually the passenger's idea, not the cabbie's... I was walking south on Bronson, so they definitely assumed I was a Carleton student walking to school. Either way, I'm not complaining.

  4. this praise is so lavish, thanks dave!!
