
Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Job Fair Recap (part 1)

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Sorry, diligent readers - this has probably been the longest I've gone without blogging, aside from the 22 years and 2 1/2 months before I started. In my defense, I was away all weekend at a job fair, and when I got back I had a lot to say on the matter, which was sort of daunting. So I guess I'll break it up and re-cap the weekend in bite-size snippets.

The job fair was an international teaching job fair, hosted by an agency called Search Associates. When I say international teaching, I'm talking international schools - generally English-language, whose population is primarily composed of the children of ex-pats and diplomats and people like that. We're not talking teaching English in Korea here.

Why Do You Want to Go Abroad, Dave?

I don't really know where I want to teach next year - I just know I don't want to teach in Ontario. Nothing against Ontario, but I'll have several decades to do that later. This could be the only chance I get to go abroad. 

One advantage to teaching abroad is that it may help me get a job when I settle back here in a few years. Most teachers in Ontario go through a period of supply teaching for a few years before getting a full-time gig in Ontario, and I'm hoping that by getting those few years of experience abroad, I'll bypass the supply phase. I don't actually know if it works like this, it's just my guess. (I am a math and physics teacher, so things should be easier for me than most.)

OK, you know what, that's good for now, even though I haven't started talking about the actual job fair yet. I guess you'll just have to stay tuned.

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