
Thursday, May 13, 2010

My Googleability

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Last Wednesday, I arrived at school to find a student bursting with a piece of juicy information. "Mr. Dave!" she cried, "I saw you on Youtube!" I suppose this wasn't terribly surprising, since the first nine results on Youtube for a search of my name are in fact performances that I was a part of. I guess I'm surprised it took my students this long - several of them found me on Facebook months ago.

What I wasn't prepared for was every. single. one. of my students to say the same thing that day or over the course of the next couple days. Apparently whoever found me had done so in computer class, so of course it spread within seconds to the other students in the class, and it wasn't long before this information found its way to my other three classes.

Though I'm Gonna Fight Chu (the band I was in for a few months last year in Ottawa and the source of most of my Youtube videos) has nine videos up, the vast majority of students who "found" me mentioned this Single Ladies video, presumably because it's by far the most popular song in our repertoire to their (my students') generation. Chateau Laurier and Circle of Life, both performed on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, were also brought up, and I think one of my students even found this low-quality video of the Skule Stage Band, though it took me a while to figure out what he was talking about because he had no idea how to say "Skule".

The other Google result that was frequently brought up in this period of Rapid Mr. Dave Discovery was a picture of "a girl kissing (me) on the cheek". I had no idea what my students were talking about until they started to describe it a little more - when they told me I was wearing a suit, I realized they were talking about an awards ceremony where the resident photographer had my mom and I take this terrible photo. Since my students don't know my age, there's a legitimate chance they thought the "girl" was my girlfriend or wife, and were amused to find out it's my mom.

Okay, I'm mostly joking, but while most students are able to identify me as a 20-something, I've had a few serious guesses in the 40s.

The videos and photo have made the rounds now, meaning my Googleability has been exhausted, and the flood of "Mr. Mr. I saw you on Youtube!" has slowed to a crawl, but it was fun while it lasted. Oh, and my favourite part: one student, upon seeing me in the aforementioned photo, asked me: "Mr. Dave, are you a millionaire?"

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