
Friday, March 12, 2010

New Look

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This is something I've been meaning to do for a while, because let's face it, my previous design was uglissimo (which is the Spanglish word that literally translates to "ugly to the max"), but never found anything I really liked among the Blogger templates. But they just released some new design tools, which are much more customizable than what was previously available, so I just spent one of my Friday afternoon prep periods playing around until I got this. The part that took the most time was deciding on a background image - I went with laundry machines because, honestly, who CAN'T relate???!

Hope you like it! And watch for upcoming posts about prophetic barbers, racist currencies, and so much more!

1 comment:

  1. Well it's just lovely! I'd have commented sooner, but ever since I first saw it I've been doing laundry.
