
Monday, March 30, 2009

Gitwich (Sandtar?)

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Today the grade 10 applied science class that I'm teaching on my current placement (haven't blogged about the placement yet.... guess I should do that soon) went on a field trip to a bakery. The unit they finished just before I arrived was the chemistry of baking (the ministry-mandated unit is something stupid about WHMIS symbols and hazards or something, so my associate teacher decided to make it way better), so yes, this field trip was relevant to their studies.

It was a lot of fun, and the kids, who rarely seem to enjoy science class as is probably typical of applied students, loved it. The guy who is probably the biggest *ahem* slacker in the class, got right into it and created a beautiful loaf of bread which required him to learn how to braid on the spot and then apply his new skills to sticky, not-exactly-the-easiest-thing-to-braid, dough. Afterwards he informed my AT that he was going to take it home and show his parents.

Anyway, the field trip primarily involved us going backstage at the bakery, learning a bit about the ingredients that go into making a loaf of bread, and then designing a bun. Most of the students stuck with the classic bun shape, a couple molded the first letter of the name, and of course there was the aforementioned Loaf of Braid. The student teacher, on the other hand, went a little outside the box (being an engineer and all), and created this:

Yep, that's a bun-guitar with a bite taken out of it. It's really not that well-crafted, but I got a lot of compliments from the bakery staff - I guess they've settled into a routine and don't get creative very often, which is hard to believe given all the tasty looking items scattered all over the place.

Most of the students ate their creation soon after it came out of the oven, but I decided the bun-guitar needed to be turned into a gitwich. What sandwich could live up to such a bun? Why, a toasted BLT with cheese of course. The delicious result, minus a fretboard (I got hungry after school):

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